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Food Unites



In these days of industrialised food, we tend to forget how food has shaped our identity. Food not only expresses who we are, it is also a powerful social lubricant. As anyone can testify, a communal meal sparks conversation and softens defenses. Sharing food is an act of communion, a natural moment to reach out.   


It is in food’s nature not to be caged in. Food seeps through national borders and ethnic lines. It disregards exclusive claims of ownership, blending and adapting as it travels. In this sense, food traditions reflect the ever-shifting mosaic of relationships that have shaped our societies and communities. Sharing food makes people aware how connected we are. 


Food Frontiers seeks to reinstate dialogue and understanding between ethnic communities that live together in a state of mistrust and animosity. This is more pressing than ever at a time of political disenchantment and growing ethnic tension across Europe. We are convinced that a shared meal can reawaken a sense of kinship and common ground. Towards this end, we provide large-scale open-air dinners on a meaningful location for local communities. 

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